An investigation of reading at KS3 | Reading Solutions
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Survey results: An investigation of reading at KS3

In a recent survey, we asked KS3 schools to share with us how they approach reading in their school.

Here, we share with you the results:

Understanding the pedagogy of early reading development at KS2

When asked how confidently they understood the pedagogy of early reading development at KS2, one-third of schools surveyed said they were not confident.

When a school purchases Reading Plus, for the entirety of the licence they will have their own dedicated Reading Development Consultant, who provides training in the pedagogy and efficacy of the programme, helps schools to understand how the programme adapts and scaffolds to the needs of their children, and to interpret the information the programme provides. The school also has the full support of our Partner Plus Team, who provide ongoing training and support to ensure customers get the most out of the programme.

What are the biggest reading concerns for your current and upcoming pupils?

77% of schools indicated that their biggest concern for current and upcoming pupils was that they are below the age-related expectation. Research tells us that children who enter KS3 below the expected level in reading are unlikely to close the gap with their peers without significant reading intervention.

Over half of the schools had concerns around pupils’ reading stamina (i.e. reading long texts). Silent reading fluency is the hidden hurdle for many pupils, where their working memory is exhausted simply decoding the text, with little remaining to devote to higher-order thinking skills.

Reading Plus systematically develops fluency and stamina to remove this hurdle. An initial assessment on the programme baselines each pupil and then sets them on a personalised pathway. The texts are age and level appropriate, with pupils working independently through the tasks exercising choice and control, whilst the programme provides them with instant feedback and instruction.

Reading Plus’s formative assessment allows teachers to see a real-time measure of impact against time and provides high-level diagnostic skills summary data and intervention resources.

One way Reading Plus develops reading stamina is through the Guided Window system.

How do you address reading inefficiency?

Two-thirds of schools indicated that they address reading inefficiency through intervention groups, although these were resource-heavy as opposed to instructional and personalised.

Creating a positive culture for reading is more than just providing pupils with the resources. They need the skills required for reading with metacognition to unlock the curriculum. Reading Plus provides direct, personalised instruction for developing the skills pupils need to read both fluently and independently.

Measuring the impact of reading for pleasure initiatives

Many schools rely heavily on anecdotal evidence such as pupil voice as their first choice in measuring the impact of their reading for pleasure initiatives. Other top methods included reading ages and pupil progress data.

Reading Plus provides schools with scientific data, that not only measures progress in terms of comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and proficiency but also motivation and engagement.

Developing independent readers

44% of schools felt that more than half their children were not independent readers (able to read and decode fluently).

Silent reading fluency is a discreet skill that will unlock the curriculum for pupils. A child who can read with fluency is more likely to be a child who reads for pleasure, and with curiosity.

Reading Plus can be used both in school and at home to encourage independent reading.

If you would like to discuss these results further, or for more information on how Reading Plus can benefit your school, please contact us today.


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