Kings Priory School: A Reading Plus Case Study
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The impact of Reading Plus on reading for pleasure in KS2 and KS3 at Kings Priory School

Vanessa Stewart, Assistant Principal at Kings Priory School in Tynemouth, explains the impact Reading Plus has had on their school so far in the first three months of using it:

Developing a love of reading across Key Stage 2 and 3

Reading is a huge focus across the school and is on the Whole School Development Plan. We wanted to purchase something that would help learners across a variety of years to make progress with reading. We wanted to develop both lower ability readers and higher prior attainers to make good progress.

Reading for pleasure

Reading levels were relatively high, however, we have seen an improvement in our engagement since the introduction of Reading Plus. Within the First School, 40% more pupils choose to read for pleasure at least twice a week. In the Middle School, 39% more pupils choose to read for pleasure at least twice a week.

How easy was it to implement Reading Plus?

Very easy. The programme is very straightforward and intuitive to use. The support from the Reading Plus Customer Support Team was excellent. Even teachers who are less confident with technology and with new initiatives found the programme easy to get to grips with.

Any queries have been answered extremely quickly by Reading Solutions Team and we have always felt that we know what to do to make the most of the programme.

How valuable has data from Reading Plus been to inform teaching?

The baseline assessment has been very valuable at informing staff of current levels. It tallied closely to other assessments that are completed in school. It has been used to inform intervention groups as the term has gone on. It has allowed us to track which pupils are making progress and those who may need further input.

Developing independent readers at home

Reading Plus is a big hit with parents. We have had several parents email the school to thank us for using the programme. They clearly see it as a worthwhile tool that develops reading and is also something that children can do independently.

Closing the reading gap

I feel that Reading Plus has helped pupils to make progress with reading over lockdown. Given the fact that school was closed to most pupils there definitely would have been a gap in reading provision without it.

Supporting remote learning

All pupil between Y3 and Y7 were given access to Reading Plus during remote learning. It was timetabled regularly throughout the week with children encouraged to do extra sessions when they could. The uptake was excellent and engagement across the year groups was high. It was an excellent tool to support our remote learning provision. The children were and still are very enthusiastic about the programme and enjoy the sessions.

Aiding reading comprehension for all

I think Reading Plus will be important for recovering learning loss for all pupils. It will continue to play an important role as part of our catch-up programme for all pupils. Disadvantaged pupils and those not on track will be targeted for additional sessions in school.


“I am really looking forward to seeing the impact Reading Plus has on our pupils. A huge thanks to our Reading Development Consultant, his support and guidance have been second to none and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him or Reading Plus to other schools.”

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