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Osbaldwick Primary implemented Reading Plus to prepare for SATs and experienced increased scores

Osbaldwick Primary School was looking for a solution for students struggling to read fluently and quickly enough at a level that they understood what they were reading to complete the SATs tests. After looking for a programme to increase fluency, they heard from Reading Plus, and the programme became the solution they had been looking for. The school used the programme to implement personalised interventions, used the data to do gap analysis throughout and timetable further use of the programme. Read what Emma Mowat, UKS2 and Literacy lead had to say about Reading Plus and the increased scores they saw in their SATS.


“Reading Plus helped increase our scores. It really extended students and challenged them to access the higher-level questions.” – Emma Mowat, UKS2 and Literacy lead.


Why was your school looking for help with reading?

We have children who struggled to read fluently and quickly enough at a level that they understood what they were reading to complete the SATs tests. This meant that able pupils scored a SS of 97-99 and just missed out. We felt that increasing their fluency would allow them to answer more questions and therefore achieve more marks.

Free pilot and instant results 

We heard of Reading Plus from a colleague and, after talking to one of the Reading Development Consultants, decided to run a 6-week free pilot. We saw a significant impact in fluency scores from our trial. Student voices showed that the children were engaged with the programme, especially with the competitive element between the 3 UKS2 classes.

Easy implementation 

The implementation process was straightforward, and the Customer Support Team quickly responded to any questions and queries. We are delighted with all the customer care Reading Plus provides.

Reading Plus in the curriculum 

We read at least three times a week in school. After lunch, the whole school does silent reading, which is when we fit in Reading Plus. We also encourage children to use it from home and get them to take screenshots of their achievements, then reward them in school.

Engaging for students

One of the things I like the most about the programme is its engaging nature and the vast selection of books for students to read from. Students like that they get immediate feedback on progress and are proud of themselves when they move to the next level. They find the programme very engaging and like the competitive element it has.

Actionable data and results 

We have used the data from Reading Plus to see the progress students are making, as a tool to know whom to target with additional fluency sessions and to see specific areas of comprehension that we need to address as groups/whole classes.


“Since we started using the programme, we have noticed an impact on students’ fluency, stamina and confidence when tackling texts.”


Using Reading Plus in preparation for SATs

In preparation for the SATs we:

  • We used the data provided by the programme to do a gap analysis to see areas that needed tacking and where the students were at with their fluency, reading and comprehension.
  • We did personalise or group/class interventions using the Reading Plus intervention materials, which we found very helpful.
  • We timetabled additional use of Reading Plus.

Tackling the increase in SATs scores

Reading Plus definitely helped increase our scores, mainly with Greater Depth (GD), as it extended them and challenged them to access the higher-level questions.

  • 2019 – 76% (24% GD)
  • 2022- 74% (33% GD)

We are delighted with the results because this was a very different cohort of children and is also coming off the back of lockdown and lost learning.


Are you interested to understand the lasting impact that Reading Plus will have on the pupils in your school? You can see for yourself with our free and easy-to-implement pilot.


Speak to our team to see how Reading Plus can work for you

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