Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary Deputy Headteacher, Louise Ince, talks about how Reading Plus has transformed the success of reading in their school and how it was a solution for learning loss.
Promoting reading at home
Due to the pandemic, we wanted a way to promote reading whilst trying to close any gaps and missed learning. We were also looking for a way to improve stamina for the Y6 SATs. Reading was hit and miss at KS2 – we had some very reluctant readers who did not like to pick up a book, especially at home.
A reading solution for all levels
We chose Reading Plus as it was an individualised reading programme. This meant that all children could read at the level right for them whilst progressing at their own pace and without being held back or moved on too quickly with their peers.
Easy to implement in school
We had plenty of support from Reading Solutions UK to implement Reading Plus and were provided with written guides and videos to share with parents and pupils at home.
Valuable training and support
The support has been amazing – there is always someone at the end of the phone or email and our Reading Development Consultant Jonny, was great at keeping in touch and booking in regular training to show us new things and how we could monitor the children’s usage and progress.
What do you and your pupils enjoy about the reading development programme?
The children love it! It’s great to see them all engaged, sharing their successes but ultimately sharing the knowledge they’ve gained from the books they’ve read. Previously reluctant readers would complain when we said it was time for Guided Reading, we now get a “Yes!” when we say it’s Reading Plus time.
I like that the programme is personalised and moves the children at their own reading level. I also like how many text choices, both fiction and non-fiction, they are provided with.
Valuable assessments
The initial assessment would have been more successful if children hadn’t had to initially access it at home – they didn’t fully understand the process and therefore some children came out lower than we would have expected.
However, if the assessment had been done in school and we had been able to explain things and answer questions in person, we may have had different results, as since returning to school some children have progressed from Pre-A to level E, in just one term!
Value for money
The reports have been brilliant. Particularly during lockdown, it was great to see the usage and who was going on daily. I was then able to message the children who were not engaging and encourage them to use the programme.
The progress report provided by Reading Solutions UK is valuable too – I cannot wait to see the progress the children have made by the end of the year and show Governors the value for money!
Pupil engagement
The children are using Reading Plus in school every day and some children are accessing it at home instead of a physical reading book.
A solution for potential learning loss
We used Reading Plus throughout lockdown, and we do not feel there was as much learning lost as there would have been, had we not had Reading Plus.
If we had not invested in Reading Plus, we would have had to do a lot more catch up with reading. It has been a Godsend and we are so happy we signed up for it when we did. We have continued to use Reading Plus daily since reopening to the whole school and now we are using it in class to address areas of weakness with comprehension.
Accelerated reading progress
Reading Plus has really transformed the success of Reading in school. Children are making accelerated progress; they are enjoying reading and those who would previously not engage are enthusiastic and can discuss books they’ve read.
We celebrate children moving up levels and getting combos and it really has raised the profile of reading in KS2. We are looking forward to introducing it to Year 4 in the summer term.
*First posted 27 May 2021. All information correct at time of publishing.
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