Enhance your multi-academy trust's reading curriculum with DreamBox Reading Plus | Reading Solutions
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Enhance your multi-academy trust's reading curriculum with DreamBox Reading Plus

A partnership with Reading Solutions UK

At Reading Solutions UK, we provide exceptional educational technology solutions that improve outcomes for schools, educators and young learners.

We support over 200 multi-academy trusts with their reading development needs using DreamBox Reading Plus – increasing reading results across schools and expanding opportunities for thousands of students.


In our partnership, you can expect:

  • An increase in your students’ reading speed, comprehension and vocabulary.
  • A consistent approach to reading.
  • A lower cost per student.
  • Easy implementation.
  • Application advice to ensure maximum progress (timetabling, etc).
  • Trust-wide reporting data.
  • Unlimited free training and support.
  • Multi-academy trust discounts.

An evidence-based solution

Guided by the most prominent reading research of the last 30 years, Reading Plus is an adaptive, online reading development programme which aims to improve students’ silent reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

Reading Plus:

  • Complements your school’s reading curriculum as a whole-class reading development programme.
  • Continuously and dynamically monitors student performance using in-built assessments.
  • Adjusts each student’s reading content level to match their individual progress.
  • Ensures students progress at their just-right levels and are matched with age-appropriate, high-quality texts.
  • Provides a vast library of over 1,300 engaging informational, fiction and non-fiction texts available for students to self-select.
  • Serves the needs of a wide range of students – children eligible for pupil premium, EAL and SEN students benefit significantly from the programme’s personalised scaffolding, adaptive technology, and varied, informative and cultural texts.

Measured results in Key Stage 2

Reading Plus is proven to improve the educational attainment of its users. In an efficacy study with Derby Research School and Spencer Academies Trust, average results showed:

  • Students who used Reading Plus as a reading development tool made more significant progress in their reading ability than non-users.
  • Pupil-premium-eligible children using Reading Plus made 97% more progress than pupil-premium-eligible children in the control schools.
  • Boys who used Reading Plus for reading development made 45% more progress than boys in the control schools.

Measured results in Key Stages 3/4

Reading Plus accelerates progress in line with the curriculum, as:

  • The wide range of complex and engaging texts ensures students are frequently made aware of connectedness within the curriculum and the relevance of reading across subject areas.
  • Students are exposed to unfamiliar texts from topics outside their cultural context, with more challenging vocabulary.
  • The programme also includes visual-perceptual skill-building and vocabulary development components, encouraging students to build knowledge and mastery of general academic vocabulary.
  • By improving reading levels, the programme enables students to access the wider curriculum.
  • Disadvantaged, EAL and SEN students benefit significantly from the ambitious, knowledgeable and cultural texts.

How does Reading Plus benefit a multi-academy trust?

Reading Plus achieves this through:

  • Adaptive technology.
  • High-quality and age-appropriate texts.
  • Giving students the autonomy to control their reading journey.

Evidence impact with teachers, senior leaders and board members with termly Reading Plus reports.

Our Customer Support Team makes your implementation process simple, and continues to offer training sessions and support throughout your partnership with us – for free.

Our team have comprehensive resources to help you:

  • Share the news of your investment with stakeholders.
  • Evidence impact to governors and Ofsted.
  • Encourage friendly inter-trust competitions and celebrate students’ successes.
  • Reading Plus is an amazing programme that has significantly increased the reading ages of our students. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others.
    Corinne Naylor
    Trust Reading Lead at Hope Sentamu Learning Trust

Book in a call with one of our expert Reading Development Consultants to see how Reading Plus can impact reading needs across your MAT.

Talk to one of our Reading Development Consultants.

0191 389 6078 (option 1)



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