Customer Support
Whatever you need, but we most commonly help teachers and schools with training, support, demonstrating ROI to stakeholders, reporting, celebrating achievements, and organising events.
Nothing! You are entitled to unlimited training and support from our team at any point during your time using Reading Plus.
Contact us during school hours by phone (0191 389 6078 – option 1) or email and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
IT and Technical Information
We maintain a separate website for posting application status messages. Please check here to see the current status of the application.
Administrators may import data into Reading Plus by preparing a comma-separated values (CSV) file, or exporting a CSV file from your Student/Teacher Information System. To ensure successful importation, please visit our imports page.
The site code, a unique login code assigned to each school, is stored as a “cookie”. This allows the student to skip the site code entry screen each additional time they log in to the Reading Plus application.
Make sure that Firewall settings do not block our website, and check that antivirus programmes recognise that our URL is safe.
If possible, whitelist the domain for Reading Plus to ensure that filtering and caching servers are not filtering these addresses out and potentially affecting application performance and presentation quality.
You will need to whitelist a wildcard domain. Use:
In regards to Windows group policy for Internet Explorer or Chrome Management for the Google Chrome browser, please make sure you are allowing cookies and temporary files from Reading Plus® to be saved locally, as well as listing * as a trusted site in the Internet Explorer or Google Chrome web browser.
If a device appears slow or freezes while students are on Reading Plus, consider the following:
- Is the problem experienced with just one device (and might be connected to the student’s particular usage), or is it experienced on several devices?
- Have the students closed all other programmes, such as music, video, chat, or multiple web browsers?
- Refresh the page:
- Windows: ctrl + F5
- Mac/Apple: command + R
- Reload the browser by closing and reopening it.
- Do the computers have all of the required hardware and software to run Reading Plus? Check technical requirements for students and educators.
- Do the browsers or operating systems have an update that needs to be installed?
If you are using a content filtering solution, web caching server and/or proxy server in your infrastructure, we require that you whitelist the following domain names:
If your filtering, proxy or caching service does not allow the use of wildcards for DNS entries, please contact our Customer Support Team at or 0191 389 6078 for further assistance.
Issues that require whitelisting may include slow page loads, page freezing, white/blank web pages, or text-only web pages. If you see any of these issues, consider temporarily disabling your content filtering, caching and/or proxy services to determine which solutions require a whitelisting entry for Reading Plus.
Reading Plus uses HTML5 to support a media-rich, animated presentation style that does not rely on any browser plugins.
The programme works on many modern browser and operating system configurations, as can be seen in the technical requirements.
If a child is logged in to Reading Plus and is missing certain buttons or cannot see the entire screen, check the zoom settings on the browser. The browser should be set at 100% zoom for best performance. To easily change the zoom, hold the Ctrl key while scrolling up or down, or hold the CMD key and the + or – icon on a Mac. You will see the screen zoom in or out. Adjust this until you see the missing images reappear when the browser zoom is at 100%.
If this does not resolve your issue, check your screen resolution. Reading Plus requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. You can check your screen resolution here.
Reading Plus technical specifications, including operating systems, browsers, screen resolution and bandwidth requirements for students, can be found here:
New to Reading Plus
Reading Plus begins with an adaptive assessment called InSight. Students complete the InSight Assessment on their own and without any intervention from their teacher. The InSight results provide a baseline and data-driven starting point for that student’s journey through the programme.
Dependent on a pupil’s individual needs, they will automatically be set weekly assignments for each of the Reading Plus instructional components. These components include visual skills development for eye-tracking, reading tasks for comprehension and fluency, and vocabulary.
Find out more here.
Are you a new customer and looking for an initial idea of costs?
As a guide, we know the needs of every school differ, from those who use Reading Plus as a targeted intervention to those that adopt the programme to support a specific key stage. To reflect this, we offer a range of different price points.
Visit our Request a price page for more information.
Reading Plus is an online reading programme. It works by building upon the foundational skills of phonics and phonemic awareness to develop a child’s silent reading fluency and deeper understanding.
By strengthening their comprehension, Reading Plus can help to reintroduce and reengage reluctant readers in the joy of reading for pleasure – for life.
Find out more here.
During our initial chat to ensure a Reading Plus pilot is right for your school, we’ll discuss how many students you’d like to trial the programme. This is usually a class of around 25.
Nothing. It is completely free!
All we ask for is some of your time.
You will need to complete one 45-minute training session with us, and three 30-minute Reading Plus sessions per week with your class.
Not if you don’t want to. Many schools decide to get started with Reading Plus right away.
Yes! We want you to see the impact our online reading programme can have on your school’s GCSE or SATs results, so your students get access to all the features for four weeks.
You get at least four weeks of full access!
A pilot is similar to a free trial, except we go beyond simply giving you access to our programme.
During your four-week pilot, you have unlimited access to our Customer Support Team for training, support, reporting and advice.
Pupils and Families
As a parent or carer, you can check your child’s progress by logging in to your child’s account.
Log in to your child’s Reading Plus account to access his or her Dashboard. Learn more about each section of the Student Dashboard by either clicking the Families link at the top of the screen or by clicking the Help icons found throughout the Dashboard.
The first page you will see upon login displays your child’s reading rate, the total number of words read, and the total number of stories read. If you click the More Info link at the bottom of the page, you will see comprehensive data on your child’s progress within the programme.
To verify that your child has completed his or her assigned lessons for the week in the three-component programmes, click the blue Lessons button at the top of the page. Here you will see checkboxes on the right side of each programme bar indicating the number of assignments to be completed. Once these checkboxes are all checked off, then your child has completed all assignments for the week. Read our Guidance for home use to find out more.
Your child’s teacher can also provide further data and context on your child’s progress in the programme.
This message will appear if your child has been struggling with his or her Reading lessons for an extended period of time. When this message appears, your child will need to speak with their Reading Plus teacher to release the hold and make it possible to continue working in the Reading component.
Reading Plus is designed to automatically provide your child with the instruction that is just right for him or her. It adapts itself to provide the appropriate level of challenge at all times. However, if you believe the instructional experience could be modified in a way that would better serve your child, please contact your child’s Reading Plus teacher.
The Guided Window is an essential, powerful feature of the programme and cannot be turned off.
As pupils increase their ability to successfully comprehend texts with greater reading efficiency, Reading Plus responds by transitioning them to more traditional reading formats. Text scaffolds are gradually removed in accordance with each student’s reading rate. This helps pupils sustain attention and assists them with transferring the increased efficiency they attain to all of their reading activities.
Does your child use a school Site Code?
A Site Code is a unique code that Reading Plus assigns to an entire school. The Site Code is a school’s main entrance to Reading Plus. Each student at a school uses the same Site Code to open the door to Reading Plus.
If your child has forgotten the Site Code, ask your child’s Reading Plus teacher or classmates who are also using Reading Plus. Encourage your child to write it down for future reference. If you still do not know the Site Code, please contact our Customer Support Team.
When your child first logs in to Reading Plus, he or she is asked to enter a Site Code. Your child’s computer or tablet will remember the Site Code the next time he or she logs in.
Does your child log in through a single sign-on link?
Your child’s school may use a single sign-on programme (a page such as Clever or ClassLink that a student logs in to, to access all school-related websites) to access Reading Plus. If your child has forgotten the username and password to the school’s portal, his or her Reading Plus teacher will need to provide them.
Reading (SeeReader)
Provides students with personalised reading practice and adaptive instruction. Students self-select stories and articles that match their reading level and their interests. A reading selection is presented within either a Guided Window, which guides the reader’s eyes through lines of text, or in an independent reading format, which allows the student to advance through screens of text independently without the assistance of the Guided Window. After reading a selection, students answer ten carefully crafted questions, designed to build essential comprehension skills. The content library spans from Year 2 to Year 13. Every student starts reading on the level that is just right for him or her, based on his or her instructional goals, and moves to increasingly challenging content as goals are met.
Vocabulary (ReadAround)
The academic words students learn in this component were selected through extensive analysis and research. Students engage with and master vocabulary in the Vocabulary component and then encounter those words in their Reading (SeeReader) selections. The Vocabulary component offers 12 levels of vocabulary, corresponding to Year 2 to Year 13.
Visual Skills (iBalance)
The part of the programme supports the development of visual and perceptual skills related to reading. The Visual Skills component includes a Flash activity in which a combination of three letters is presented at different distances from the centre of the screen. The student is asked to type the letter sequence that was flashed. iBalance also includes a Scan activity in which students are asked to follow a Guided Window and press on the space bar whenever they see an open ring that looks much like the letter C.
The G-Rate is the rate at which the Guided Window moves across the text as a student reads. The independent rate, or I-Rate, is the student’s rate when reading without the Guided Window.
When students read the text in the Reading component (SeeReader), the text is presented in either a guided format or an independent format. In the guided format, students read text with the support of the Guided Window scaffold. In the independent, or non-guided format, students are in control of advancing through screens of text at their own pace.
The Guided Window is an essential, powerful feature of the programme and cannot be turned off.
As pupils increase their ability to successfully comprehend texts with greater reading efficiency, Reading Plus responds by transitioning them to more traditional reading formats. Text scaffolds are gradually removed in accordance with each student’s reading rate. This helps pupils sustain attention and assists them with transferring the increased efficiency they attain to all of their reading activities.
The easiest way to retrieve your login credentials is to use our Password Reset Tool.
How to reset your password:
- Click Educator Login
- Click the reset password link below the log in fields
- Enter your email address and click reset password
- You will receive an email. Click the link to set your password
- You will see your username next to the text “Enter your new password for username:”
- Enter a new password
- Click the link to log in to your account with your credentials
If you do not know if you have a Reading Plus account, contact your school’s Reading Plus administrator. If you know you have an account but you do not receive an email, contact our Customer Support Team at
Rewards for recommending Reading Plus
Through our new referral scheme, if your school recommends Reading Plus to another school, you will both be rewarded with a £100 Amazon voucher.
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RSUK Customer Support Team
When your school purchases a Reading Plus licence, you gain access to much more than our award-winning literacy software.
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