Meet Brooke, from Year 4, our Star of the Month winner | Reading Solutions
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Meet Brooke, from Year 4, our Star of the Month winner

Congratulations to Brooke, age 8, from St Mark’s CE Primary, who has been awarded our Star of the Month for her hard work and dedication to Reading Plus!

Brooke has made remarkable achievements with Reading Plus since its September 2023 implementation.

Susanna Trickett, Reading Lead at St Mark’s CE Primary, shared that Brooke started reading at an Early Year 2 (Pre-A) text complexity level and advanced to Year 5 level (Level D).

She said: “Brooke doesn’t limit her engagement with Reading Plus to school hours but extends it to her home environment, showcasing a genuine desire for improvement. Brooke questions how she can improve herself and what she can do to get better.

“Her dedication was evident from the moment she started on Reading Plus, and her achievement and progression reflect her hard work and determination.”

When discussing how Reading Plus has benefited the school, Susanna said:

“The benefits of Reading Plus extend beyond individual progress to the wider school community. Students view the programme as a positive intervention, eagerly attending sessions. The children who access the reading scheme regularly at school and home have made vast progress in their reading, comprehension and vocabulary skills.

“Students enjoy that Reading Plus is interactive and that they can send me a message if they need support, which is particularly useful. Children not on the scheme often ask me how they can join my group or what they need to do to use Reading Plus.”

For students using Reading Plus, the rewards are significant. Improved reading, comprehension and vocabulary skills contribute to their overall academic success and confidence.

Susanna adds: “The scheme is a holistic approach to reading, not just focusing on reading, but comprehension and vocabulary skills – making sure they actually understand the meaning of a word and how to use it correctly in context.

“This term, I have included children at the lowest end of the scale, and have used the vocabulary and visual skills with them for the first few months. The majority can now access the Early Year 2 (Pre-A) reading to a good standard.”

While certificates and trophies serve as tangible symbols of achievement, the true impact of Reading Plus lies in the students’ voices. Their enthusiasm for the programme echoes throughout the school, affirming its value in fostering a love for reading and learning.

Brooke’s Reading Plus journey is a reminder that with dedication, perseverance and the right support, every child can develop their reading and find enjoyment in the experience.

Star of the Month

Our Star of the Month celebrates one primary and one secondary student who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and remarkable progress in their engagement with Reading Plus. These students embody the spirit of perseverance, commitment and enthusiasm for reading.

In recognition of their achievements, they will receive a £25 book voucher, a certificate and a trophy. Their success will also be celebrated across our social media channels.

Nominate a pupil for Reading Solutions UK Star of the Month here.


Get involved!

We have a range of initiatives to celebrate students’ achievements and efforts on Reading Plus.

Usage Hero

Our new monthly award is for primary and secondary students who demonstrate exceptional dedication to Reading Plus and surpass their teachers’ expectations. Learn more here.

There are also exciting competitions throughout the year as a fun way to encourage usage, motivation and engagement. Find out more here.

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