Meet Sasha, from Year 6, our Star of the Month winner | Reading Solutions
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Meet Sasha, from Year 6, our Star of the Month winner

Congratulations to Sasha, age 11, from Chancel Primary School, who has been recognised for his outstanding dedication and progress with Reading Plus!

Year 6 teacher Mr Newton nominated Sasha for his remarkable commitment to Reading Plus. He highlighted Sasha’s relentless effort, stating:

“Sasha has excelled with Reading Plus. He came to us with no English, but has refused to let this hold him back. Reading Plus has allowed Sasha to assert his determination to be as successful as any other child in our school. Reading Plus gives Sasha the tools to learn independently, which is something he values immensely.”

Sasha’s journey with Reading Plus is a testament to his resilience and determination. Despite initial language barriers, his progress has been remarkable. He has embraced the programme wholeheartedly and made significant strides in his reading journey.

Commenting on Reading Plus, Sasha said: “I like Reading Plus because it allows me to work at my own pace. I enjoy seeing that I’m improving, and I like getting certificates.”

Mr Newton further emphasised the impact of Reading Plus within the school community, stating: “Reading Plus supports our school’s determination to put reading at the forefront of everything we do. It allows our children to succeed by supporting teachers to build on a child’s existing fluency and challenging all learners to be the very best they can be.

Join us in celebrating Sasha, our Star of the Month from Chancel Primary School, whose unwavering dedication to Reading Plus exemplifies the power of resilience and determination.

Star of the Month

Our Star of the Month celebrates one primary and one secondary student who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and remarkable progress in their engagement with Reading Plus. These students embody the spirit of perseverance, commitment and enthusiasm for reading.

In recognition of their achievements, they will receive a £25 book voucher, a certificate and a trophy. Their success will also be celebrated across our social media channels.

Nominate a pupil for Reading Solutions UK Star of the Month here.

Get involved!

We have a range of initiatives to celebrate students’ achievements and efforts on Reading Plus.

Usage Hero

Our new monthly award is for primary and secondary students who demonstrate exceptional dedication to Reading Plus and surpass their teachers’ expectations. Learn more here.

There are also exciting competitions throughout the year as a fun way to encourage usage, motivation and engagement. Find out more here.

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