Reading Plus is an adaptive reading development programme designed to develop pupils’ comprehension, metacognition, and silent reading fluency.
In September 2021, Reading Solutions UK set out to determine the efficacy of Reading Plus and its impact on disadvantaged pupils by conducting a non-randomised controlled study in partnership with Derby Research School and Spencer Academies Trust.
Results from phase one of the study are now in and show that, on average, pupils using Reading Plus made over 190% more progress than non-users.
The impact of Reading Plus
The study involves 470 pupils from six different schools and compares the progress in reading comprehension and fluency between pupils who have and who haven’t used Reading Plus.
Progression data from phase one of the study shows that on average pupils using Reading Plus made significantly greater progress than non-users.
Pupil premium children who used Reading Plus made triple the progress (307%) than pupil premium children who did not use the programme.